Custom Cables

Coil Cord Cables

CEI offers a wide variety of coil cord cables as terminated and non-terminated.
The following are examples of coil cords we offer:

Coiled Polyurethane Cable w/ Bullet Terminals

Coiled Polyurethane Cable
w/ Bullet Terminals

coiled polyurethane phono plug cable

Coiled Phono Plug Cable

coil cigarette lighter plug cable

Coiled Cigarette Lighter
Plug Cable

coil cord cigarette lighter plug with led fuse

Coiled Cigarette Lighter
Plug w/ LED fuse

coil cord USB

Coiled USB Cable

coiled power cable

Coiled Power Cord

coil cord non-terminated

Coiled Power Cord

coil cord non-terminated

Coil Cord

For more information about our Coil Cords, please contact us directly at 1-630-257-0605 Mon.-Fri. 8AM-5PM CST.